Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Video Games,The Good, The Bad, The Good For You?

Video games are not as bad as we thought!!!
I have read many an article that says how horrible video games are & how they make people more violent and how we need less of them. That todays youth have their brains falling out of their ears and are taking up guns shooting everyone..
  " It's the games, they told me to do it! "

Well, What about the news that claims Researchers from North Carolina State University have found a link between elderly people who dabble behind the controller have better emotional health?
 " Really? So if I play some games I have a healthier out look?"
Looks like it.. and better yet not only are your emotions happier but you can effect those around you  because people who are in a good mood state are more willing to help others. You don't have to take my word for it, Just ask Brad Bushman, a professor of communication and psychology at Ohio State University and co-author of the study that they ran there.
And the research from the center for Aging Research & Development in Ireland suggests that using video games can help the elderly improve their balance and, in turn, avoid devastating and often deadly falls.. Professor Craig says: “Improving balance and gait can play an important role in helping older people avoid falls and injury as well as improving their mobility confidence. The games designed in this project to build better balance were formulated with older people in mind. Older people who played the games enjoyed an improvement in both static and dynamic balance.
"It is amazing to me that anyone can still think that this is dangerous.. oh wait some of our own government still does.."
Even  Rep. Nancy Pelosi, the highest-ranking female politician in American history, has come out to defend violent video games, and says that they are not the cause of violence in America. So many of todays Senators and even our own President is under this sad impression.  It all started this year when President Obama allotted $10 Million to the CDC for research for the effects of violent video games, now there are a bunch of proposed bans, lawmakers in several states are fighting to levy a tax on such games, One Senator even said that video games are worse than guns. but I like what Nancy had to say "I’m a mother, I’m a grandmother, but the evidence says that, in Japan for example, they have [as many violent video games as any other country] and the lowest mortality from guns. I don’t know what the explanation is for that, except they might have good gun laws.”
"Maybe we should see what our senate is doing?"
"Why are they wasting time and money on this when we are seeing that research that has been done is showing positive results?"
 Dr Daphne Bavelier, a neuroscientist at the University of Geneva, has conducted research on the effects of video games on the brain,  Her research shows that video games actually help gamers focus (and maintain focus) better than non-gamers – more so the so-called violent, shoot ‘em up variety.
Dr. Bavelier’s research has also effectively busted some video gaming myths.
  •  Fact: games do not have a detrimental effect on players’ vision; they actually seem to make players’ vision better. For example, they are particularly good at “distinguishing between different levels of gray, like when driving in fog,” says Dr. Bavelier. She hopes this finding will lead to games that help people with poor eyesight “re-train” their brains to improve their vision.
  •  Fact: gamers do not have the attention span of goldfish; they are really good at tracking data, meaning they are better than non-gamers at quickly parsing though mass amounts of information to identify specific data points.

To see Dr. Bavelier’s TED Talk, “Your Brain on Video Games: Smarter, Better, Faster, Stronger” you can go HERE

"I don't want to turn into some kind of robot what about creativity?"
Kids Who Play Video Games Are More Creative!!! Boys and girls who play video games tend to be more creative, according to findings by Michigan State University researchers. A study of nearly 500 12-year-olds found that the more kids played video games, the more creative they were in tasks such as drawing pictures and writing stories. In contrast, use of cell phones, the Internet and computers (other than for video games) was unrelated to creativity, the STUDY found.
Girls Who Play Video Games with Dad are Happier too!
"No way!"
 Researchers from Brigham Young University’s School of Family Life conducted a study on video games and children between 11 and 16 years old. They found that girls who played video games with a parent enjoyed a number of advantages. Those girls behaved better, felt more connected to their families and had stronger mental health. Professor Sarah Coyne is the lead author of the study, which appears Feb. 1 in the ( Journal of Adolescent Health).
And not only that, but Video games are better than watching TV!
"I bet you got research on that too?"  
You betcha! Dr. Johnson (  Queensland University of technology in Brisbane, Australia " ( Games Research & Interaction Design Lab " )  said while watching television was a 'passive' experience, video and computer games were interactive, with research showing it boosted children's self-esteem, cognitive skills such as problem-solving and, in some cases, physical activity levels. And computer use and video gaming should not be classed as the same type of activity as watching television and recommended screen-related activities be divided into two categories, active and passive screen time.
"Oh and gamers who team up are less aggressive people!!"
" So its good to game with other people? 
 "Yes it is ok to be social! I am liking that part too.."
 "So tell me where did you learn this tidbit?"
(Ohio State Research says) playing games such as “Halo” or “Call of Duty” will not turn people into murderers, but how the games are being played might make gamers more aggressive, according to new research. OSU Professor of communication David Ewoldsen and co-author of the research says gamers who play with teammates rather than against someone, show increased cooperative behavior later opposed to aggressiveness. 
“it’s not the content of the game that matters, it’s how you play the game that matters.”
 "That sums it up pretty good, See...
 Video games are not all bad for us..
Like with everything else take it in moderation."
 Don't over do it..
 Play with your friends,
 Play with your kids & Play with your Parents!
Think and use your brain.
 Don't sit by and passively let the world go by.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Prepper, Survivalist or just being Responsible

prepared [pri-paird] 
Part of speach: adjective
Definition: ready in body or mind
Synonyms: able, adapted, adjusted, all  bases covered, all set, all  systems go, arranged, available, Disposed, fit, fixed, framed, gaffed, groomed, handy, in order, in readiness, inclined, minded, of a mind, on  guard,  planned, predisposed, prepped, primed, processed, psyched-up, put up,  qualified, rehearsed,  rigged, set, set-up, sewed-up, stacked, up on, up*, willing, wired
Antonyms: ignorant , neglected, unprepared, unready

                                                 " zombies are not real, you know that"

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Bowie First New Album InTen Years!


One word, One name and One new album coming out.
 In fact he wanted you to hear it so badly that he is making it available for your to hear for free ...
 Stream it LIVE from iTunes.. 
" The Next Day"

     That's just what I did today
   I think you should too
 Or right now see it on the iTunes home page.

Please tell me what you think.

         I myself thought it was classic Bowie, But more morose that his other works.
        It was lacking in the upbeat pop of many of his last chart toping songs.
           Maybe he is hitting the nail on the head of society?  
        Or maybe he is facing a darker side in his life?
And if you want to read the Rolling Stone article on this
( ) 

It is well worth the listen,
 No doubt many of you will find this on your iPods very soon. 
 March 11th UK & March 12th US


Saturday, March 2, 2013


Two years ago, I found in a parking lot three little chicks. I was waiting for the boys to come out of farm camp, I brought them up to the farmhouse to let them know the chicks had escaped. They informed me that they were not from that farm. People just dump unwanted chicks there and due to health reasons wouldn't take them in.
( I found out later there was a bunch of cock fighting rings in the area and they dump hen chicks at the farm at night cause they don't need them but most don't live past a day )
I politely asked for a box for my newly acquired chicks. The boys very excited named them. I asked my other half if we could or should keep them, We ended up buying the supplies and they grew into egg laying hens.
( On christmas of that year we received our first egg)
We learned many things over the past two years about chickens... like you don't need a rooster to get eggs. They eat green veggies. They are very soft. They are very smart and dumb at the same time. Each had its own personality. Not all chicken lay white eggs. They have unique personalities And so much more...
I wasn't a "chicken " person before this. But these birds have taught me a great many things over the past two years about my self and about how cool having back yard chickens can be.

song for the day

So I have stumbled on to this song:

Alex Clare

Mostly known for the song "Too Close" ( )

After visiting his website    ( )

 I found he is a well spoken, well traveled creative person. You can find all types of genres in one of his albums. From soul to blues to electric. His soulful voice will be resonate with you long after the song has ended.