Wednesday, June 11, 2014


I am a Dorkfish.

I have seen many people called many things. Is this out of hatred of ones self or of others or a bit of both. Do we call others names because we want to shame others into behaving, looking or being what we perceive is correct? or are WE just mean?

Why is it that only some people are standing up and saying "Hey This Is Wrong?"
Do words really hurt everyone? 
or just sensitive ones? 
Or the old adage of
"Sticks and Stones will break my bones but WORDS can never hurt me."
Is that really true & that is our defense?
When we call people hurtful names, because we think it really doesn't hurt?
Its not a stone? Why should it hurt?
This sentiment reflects the common law of civil assault, which holds that mere name-calling does not give rise to a cause of action, while putting someone in fear of physical violence does. But WAIT!
Doesn't it? I don't know about you but I have become fearful if I have been called names or hateful speech has be used toward me because I know (or am worried about) physical violence that will come after..
First they degrade you by calling you names ( renaming you) making you appear less than & then it is a simple step to take it to a physical nature.
Did you know that it only took Google 0.43 seconds to find About 275,000,000 results in the search of  POWER OF WORDS.
We should or try to be more conscientious of the words we use in our everyday interactions.
These words can be so powerful and they Cut the heart like a knife they hit us in the tummy they gouge out our very souls & corrode the way we think about ourselves and the world around us.
What do we do?
Learn what you say can hurt others, Learn that what I say can hurt you deeper than you could believe, Learn that these words slip of the tongue so easily that it has become common place.


Think! Think about what you say before you say it! Think and ask yourself am I being Judgmental? Would I like someone to call me names? Idiot? Whale? Dumb? Lazy? Slut? Gay? Freak?
 Think is what I am going to say; a kind thing to say or will it be hurtful?
 Am I trying to be hurtful or cruel?
Even when we think we are being funny we are really being hurtful.
 Hurtful words in the guise of  Humor still hurt just as much.

 Do you get it yet? Can you empathize?
Don't you understand that what has been said to you doesn't give you the right to say that to others,
 It makes it just as wrong.
You have control over your mouth.
Once you start to understand that very key thing

Words are magic. They can heal the heart. They can heal the soul they can inspire someone to greatness and they can cause great mass of people to follow someone.
It is amazing how simple words can effect us?
RAPE .. fear..
DINNER... Hunger
AMAZING.... Wonder

As a child I can remember crying myself to sleep after the people who claimed to love me the most in this world made me feel the smallest most awe fullest person ever to them. I was an Idiot and Lazy & Dumb, Carless, a Slut and Ungrateful and so on and so forth..
I can remember many Nights crying myself to sleep because the people whom I thought were my friends and classmates and peers made fun of me.. their fun.. Hoe, Ugly, Whale, 4 eyes, Toothless Monster, Dumb , Idiot , Fag, Lesbo, Creature, Freak, Whitey, Chicken Legs, Fat Fuck....  
I remember many nights crying myself to sleep silently because of the pain from the words from my so called Lover the person who I was one day to marry because they loved me soo much.. Idiot, Slut, Fat, Anorexic, Co-dependent, Dumb Bitch, Good for nothing. Lazy.
I realize now, now that I am now married to a wonder man. I know that I don't tell him enough but he tells me I am Beautiful and Smart, Strong, Creative, Brave and Wonderful also Lovely, Sweet and Kind, and Marvelous. I tell my children that they are too. I tell my friends and family and coworkers that they are too.
 I hope that I can effect so many more people with those words,
 Those kind words they heal.
Maybe not as quickly as the ones that hurt but they DO HEAL.

Ok so maybe I am not a dorkfish but maybe I am Brilliant, Kind Creative Inspiring and Lovely, Maybe you are too!
 Maybe you are Incredible and Engaging, Sensitive, Sweet and Selfless, Amazing and Joyful, have a Great Smile or a Wonderful Laugh.

 Maybe if we stop judging others we can heal inside too?